Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ikea has excellent fabric. Am thinking about goin' yonder to the Canton, MI store.
I redid a spare bedroom in a modern, er, mod style. If I were very clever, I'd include some nifty pics. Might do that soon. Ikea's fabrics will fit nicely into the style of the room.

On a completely different note, we bought Stevie Wonder tickets. Have lots of Stevie vinyl.
Have to see these guys while we still can. Have deep regrets not to have seen Johnny Cash and Ray Charles when they came near enough to go. Now it's obviously too late.


Schiplady said...

At the risk of sounding like a real ditz, what is Ikea? Please attach some pics to your blog so we can see what you are doing to the house. Inquiring minds need to know........

FifiFiveThousand said...

no no nothing ditzy about it! ;)
i heard about them thru a friend.
IKEA is a GI-NORMOUS Swedish company that makes super inexpensive modern furniture and home stuff. IKEA.com.
their textiles drive me quite crazy. i'm going to have to make a new blog about the whole IKEA adventure.
i'll try to get some pics up.
i KNEW my parents would be interested in what's goin on! :)